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Dialogue for Video Project



Hi! I’m Annie. I love cooking and keeping house for my family. However, I believe that women should be able to participate in party politics. Many other women feel the same way. As of right now, our only rights are to take care of our husbands and teach our children. In addition to these rights we would like the right to a say in political issues. Women do not have any political freedom. James Monroe is running for the Democratic Republican Party and he will fight to give women the political rights they deserve. The other candidate, Rufus King, is for the federalist party. The Federalist Party says that us, women are not educated or fit to be participating in politics. As women, we do have an indirect effect on the 1816 election. You can participate by making food for events, wearing our party’s colors and symbols, and influencing your husbands. Our opinions are just as important as those of men. Women have the right to a say in political decisions that will effect them directly. Join me and many other women in the fight to get James Monroe elected. Hi. I’m James Monroe and I approve this message. I promise to give women the political rights they deserve. I humbly ask for your vote on November 4th.

History 103 Video Project

Names of all group members: Amber Cook, Jeanne and Hunter


The Election of 1816


Rufus King: I am Rufus King of the Federalist Party and I am campaigning for the Election of 1816. I am in opposition to slavery and did not support the efforts for the War of 1812 (p.100). I would like to personally address the allegations of me owing money to the government and tell everyone that they are not true. It should also be known that I am a strong supporter of women rights, and foresee that both women and their support will be vital in the future of our nation.


Woman 1: The Republicans are causing political turmoil in our nation and trying to destroy our social order, which is portrayed by Madame Genlis. She is being praised because she claims to have instilled the proper revolutionary order in her children, family and friends. She believes that birth is accidental and that there is a large hereditary distinction and there are only certain things which a good man can deem certain, those are his knowledge and his virtue. She is an obvious threat to our existing social order and her actions continue to lead us to turmoil. We are in need of loyal federalist supports to help prevent such actions. (p.105)


Rufus King: In the Republican party, they celebrate women who promote the ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity like Madame Genlis displays. However, one must see this is likely to destroy our social order!! It is important we act now to prevent future generations from instilling such ideals to their children and their children’s children. (105)


Women 2: The Republican viewpoints in the journals and newspapers do not depict our ideas and true thoughts. They are lies that are constantly spreading throughout the streets. For example, Federalists make fun of our fashion in aim to score political party points and constantly mock our campaign strategy. And once quoted that, “Republicans were nothing more than frivolous women who changed governments as carelessly as women changed fashion” (108 ). However, I assure these allegations are false.


Rufus: In regard to my stance on opposition to war, I had the women’s best interest in mind. I was thinking of the helpless innocence of women and children, who would take care of them while the men are overseas? It is not my lack of patriotism, but my interest in making sure that the women are cared for and valued in our society. The Republicans clearly do not have the women in their best interests (109-110).

As you the people can see, there are clearly two very different standpoints on the subject: The Federalist and the Republican. However, if you are looking to help move America forward, support women and their rights and have a strong desire to continue building a well-structured powerful nation, then the choice should be clear. Steer clear of the Republicans and their destructive ideals, as they should be feared. One must keep in mind to be skeptical of the Republicans and their media claims as they falsely portray our Federalist heroines as villains. I hope you all can see the truth for what it is and do not allow the Republicans skew the nations beliefs on Federalism through their published journals and visual imagery. Do not waste your vote this election and make it count! Please vote for me, Federalist, Rufus King. Thank-you all for your time and support! I look forward to bettering our nation everyday.

Video Project Script: Rufus King Campaign Video (Federalist Party)


-Hi, I’m former New York Senator Rufus King and I want to be your next president of the United States.

-I will be representing the Federalist party in this years upcoming election. If I am elected to be your next president, I promise I will lead this great nation in the right direction and help it progress towards a brighter future for all Americans.

-The first step in my plan for a brighter future and forward thinking nation is welcoming political input from all Americans including men and women alike.

-Our country is filled with bright intelligent women who deserve to be involved in making political decisions and we stand to gain a great deal as a nation by listening to what they have to say. By listening to the views of every American citizen, we can create a government that reflects the ideologies of more Americans, and ensure that we remain a nation that everyone can be proud to live in.

-The next step towards a brighter future is mending our poor relationship with Great Britain. Great Britain has successfully remained a dominant world power for many years and share much of the same ideology as us.

It is in our nation’s best interest to remain close allies with them economically, and politically. In the future they will prove to be one of our most important trade partners, and a crucial ally in future conflicts with their advanced forces and experienced veterans.

-My last order of business will be to ensure that everyone living within our great nation can have the freedom they deserve, and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as it was promised by our founding fathers. Every American deserves these rights, no matter their gender or race, which is why a brighter future for the United States includes the freeing of all slaves and treating every human being equally.

-With a vote for me, Senator Rufus King, for your next President of the United States, you are voting for a brighter future. With me in office, our economic and political future will be safe. With me in office, we can become a more forward thinking nation that respects the rights and opinions of every American citizen, no matter their gender or race.

-So vote for me, Senator Rufus King, for a brighter future.

It’s YOUR Election Too


Introduction Music


Rufus King: Ladies, as you may know we are in the midst of the election of the century. The rogue Democratic Republicans want to destroy all the things we have worked so hard to build. But the time is never too late to act! We need your help in defeating these sadistic scofflaws, and returning our country to its patriotic ideals! The Federalist’s party needs you, our beloved Ladies, to create wonderful barbeques and bake election cakes for supporters of the Federalists cause. If we can come together and do this, then we can save this country from the wrath of the Democratic Republicans. I would now like to introduce Catherine Maria Sedgwick, daughter of Theodore Sedgwick, and renowned author, who will talk to you about what you can do for the Federalist effort.


Catherine Maria Sedgwick: My fellow ladies. The time has come for us to help the patriotic cause more than ever. Thomas Jefferson has called women to remain in homes and not bother with politics, and has even made a movement to deny postmistresses from fulfilling out their husbands duties, but this is all Democratic Republican propaganda. Us women need to take action in politics, not for our fame or praise, but for the sake of patriotism and country. I urge all of you to host the greatest barbeques and parties celebrating the movement for OUR Federalist cause. But the action does not stop at parties and cookouts. The Federalist cause needs you to be our voice inside the home. Teach your children about the importance of federalism and patriotism. Converse with your husband about what he has done to support the Federalist cause and ultimately his country, in an effort to motivate him to go vote and support the Federalist party and ultimately patriotism.


Rufus King: Ladies, at this time we hope that you remember what is important to you and your family. We hope that the ideals of patriotism ring true from now until the election. We look forward to seeing your support and your husbands at the poles.

Closing Music

During this, the 1816 election. Our candidates must decide many things on many topics. Such as war with Britain, helping our native American allies, and even the topic of women’s rights have come into play.

These topics are very deep, and require a man who knows what he is talking about. So this election, vote James Madison. He is a Democratic Republican who knows exactly what you want.

He knows you want to go to war, and spill more blood against the British. Because that was fun the first time, right? He knows that we don’t like Indians here, and pretty much every President after him will agree with him. He also knows exactly what to do with women in politics. Invite them to our rallies. And then give them no political standing whatsoever.

So vote James Madison, because really, we all know nothing good can come from a guy with the last name Clinton in the White House.


-Don’t Trust James Monroe.

-James Monroe doesn’t want women to be able to vote. This includes your mom, your wife, and maybe even your daughter. This is all despite the fact that women are pretty much capable of doing all the same things that men can do.

-James Monroe owns several slaves! His overseers treat his slaves so terribly that he could hypothetically write an entire book about it. So ask yourself America, is this really what we need? Do we really want another sexist and racist in office? Answer honestly.

-James Monroe is in serious debt. He has an expensive lifestyle. So how can we expect a man to run this country when he can’t even control his own impulses? And how can we defend our country and equality?

-Well, that’s easy. Vote Federalist. Vote for Rufus King.

Rufus stands for: Women’s rights, anti-slavery legislation, financial security, but most importantly he stands for America.

-Vote for Rufus King. Vote for a better America.

-“I’m Rufus King, and I approve this message.”

  • Elizabeth Monroe (speaking):
    • This November…
    • You the American people will freely elect the next president of this great nation…
    • I, Elizabeth Monroe encourage you to think of the following when you cast your vote:
      • My Husband, James Monroe served as the Secretary of State AND the Secretary of War
      • He will be the last founding father to be able to be president
      • He yields from the commonwealth of Virginia, where our last four great presidents yield from
      • He has excellent relationships with foreign nations, serving as the United States Minister to France and Great Britain
      • But most importantly, James Monroe believes that women should be involved in political politics
      • He believes that woman’s opinions should be valued just as much as men’s
    • The opposing candidate, Rufus King:
      • comes from a political party that did not support the War of 1812…
      • Has only held 2 offices compared to Monroe’s 8
      • Believes that women are not suited to be involved in political politics
    • Do we really want someone so inexperienced and unsupportive of women’s rights running this country?
    • I don’t think so..
    • I, Elizabeth Monroe, A woman, encourage you to make the right decision and vote James Monroe


Script HY 103 Video Project


Taylor Mooney and Logan Gross

Dr. Kopelson

HY 103

27 February 2015


Before the election of 1816, women's roles in regards to politics were largely restricted to the homes they lived in. “They would encourage in their husbands and children toleration and respect for opposing political views (Zagarri 130)”, but were expected not to voice their opinions elsewhere.


Woman 1: “I really wish you would listen to my political views. I know more than you think I do.”


Man 1: “You don’t know what you are getting into. I hear about it all day, every day, and here is the last place I want to start hearing it. I’m done!


Woman 1: “ What do you think we can do to voice our opinion?


Woman 2: “We can go out and let everybody know how we feel. We can’t just sit around and do nothing, the men don’t listen.”


Woman 1: “Men fight too much or never accomplish anything. You can’t go to war every time you have a disagreement with someone. “


Woman 2: “ I know! They even fight amongst themselves. We could help them if they would let us.”


Woman 1: “I think I know something that can help, maybe.”


Woman 1 to crowd of men: “Hey guys, we really shouldn’t fight about everything, I mean all you ever do is get more mad. Let’s talk in a civil manner.”


Man 2 to crowd of men: “I know this sounds weird, but maybe she is right.”


Man 3: “No! We need women as far away from government as possible.”


President Madison: “Women have begun to change the way things are done in America both at home and at work. It’s time we all realize it and respect them.”


As women began to impact politics more, opposition once again began to grow against their impact on government. “Over time, attitudes towards women’s indirect political influence became absorbed into the discourse of separate spheres.” (Zagarri 134)


Man 4: “ We are beginning to lose our power over women, and this is just not going to work.”


Man 5: “Yeah you are right. We need to find a way to assert our power over theirs again. I do not like this one bit either.”


Man 4: “Women must be removed from politics. I like to call it the separate spheres ideology.”


Man 5: “ So you mean women are completely cut off from making key decisions in our government?”


Man 4: “Yes, exactly. They have violated their appropriate feminine rolls and disrupted the peace and harmony that should prevail in the domestic realm.


Shifts back to Woman 1: “We tried our best, but the men’s dominance over women prevailed again. We are right back where we started, trying to influence politics through our households.