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Women’s Contributions to the Election of 1816 Taylor Mooney, Logan Gross


Script HY 103 Video Project


Taylor Mooney and Logan Gross

Dr. Kopelson

HY 103

27 February 2015


Before the election of 1816, women's roles in regards to politics were largely restricted to the homes they lived in. “They would encourage in their husbands and children toleration and respect for opposing political views (Zagarri 130)”, but were expected not to voice their opinions elsewhere.


Woman 1: “I really wish you would listen to my political views. I know more than you think I do.”


Man 1: “You don’t know what you are getting into. I hear about it all day, every day, and here is the last place I want to start hearing it. I’m done!


Woman 1: “ What do you think we can do to voice our opinion?


Woman 2: “We can go out and let everybody know how we feel. We can’t just sit around and do nothing, the men don’t listen.”


Woman 1: “Men fight too much or never accomplish anything. You can’t go to war every time you have a disagreement with someone. “


Woman 2: “ I know! They even fight amongst themselves. We could help them if they would let us.”


Woman 1: “I think I know something that can help, maybe.”


Woman 1 to crowd of men: “Hey guys, we really shouldn’t fight about everything, I mean all you ever do is get more mad. Let’s talk in a civil manner.”


Man 2 to crowd of men: “I know this sounds weird, but maybe she is right.”


Man 3: “No! We need women as far away from government as possible.”


President Madison: “Women have begun to change the way things are done in America both at home and at work. It’s time we all realize it and respect them.”


As women began to impact politics more, opposition once again began to grow against their impact on government. “Over time, attitudes towards women’s indirect political influence became absorbed into the discourse of separate spheres.” (Zagarri 134)


Man 4: “ We are beginning to lose our power over women, and this is just not going to work.”


Man 5: “Yeah you are right. We need to find a way to assert our power over theirs again. I do not like this one bit either.”


Man 4: “Women must be removed from politics. I like to call it the separate spheres ideology.”


Man 5: “ So you mean women are completely cut off from making key decisions in our government?”


Man 4: “Yes, exactly. They have violated their appropriate feminine rolls and disrupted the peace and harmony that should prevail in the domestic realm.


Shifts back to Woman 1: “We tried our best, but the men’s dominance over women prevailed again. We are right back where we started, trying to influence politics through our households.