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Women don’t want you talking about politics at home (Zagarri 125), but in such an important election year she will be delighted to hear you are going to be voting Democratic-Republican. Vote for the women’s candidate. Vote James Monroe. Rufus King doesn't have you or your wife’s best interest at heart. The wife is the glue that holds the household together so vote for the candidate you and your wife want. That man is James Monroe. Ladies, Mr. Monroe would be honored if you would give him your support by telling your husbands to go out and vote James Monroe this November. Keep the party of Jefferson, keep the party that got us through the War of 1812, and keep the presidency with a Virginian. Men, don’t embarrass your wife by making her have to face her friends with the knowledge that you voted federalist. Democratic-Republican is the more appealing party to your wife. (Zagarri 87) Vote James Monroe and you will not regret it. Remember who keeps your house in order and who keeps you sane. Keep Monroe in mind at the polls, because that’s what your wife would want. Keep her happy and she’ll keep you happy. This message is approved by the offices of James Monroe.


Script HY 103 Video Project


Taylor Mooney and Logan Gross

Dr. Kopelson

HY 103

27 February 2015


Before the election of 1816, women's roles in regards to politics were largely restricted to the homes they lived in. “They would encourage in their husbands and children toleration and respect for opposing political views (Zagarri 130)”, but were expected not to voice their opinions elsewhere.


Woman 1: “I really wish you would listen to my political views. I know more than you think I do.”


Man 1: “You don’t know what you are getting into. I hear about it all day, every day, and here is the last place I want to start hearing it. I’m done!


Woman 1: “ What do you think we can do to voice our opinion?


Woman 2: “We can go out and let everybody know how we feel. We can’t just sit around and do nothing, the men don’t listen.”


Woman 1: “Men fight too much or never accomplish anything. You can’t go to war every time you have a disagreement with someone. “


Woman 2: “ I know! They even fight amongst themselves. We could help them if they would let us.”


Woman 1: “I think I know something that can help, maybe.”


Woman 1 to crowd of men: “Hey guys, we really shouldn’t fight about everything, I mean all you ever do is get more mad. Let’s talk in a civil manner.”


Man 2 to crowd of men: “I know this sounds weird, but maybe she is right.”


Man 3: “No! We need women as far away from government as possible.”


President Madison: “Women have begun to change the way things are done in America both at home and at work. It’s time we all realize it and respect them.”


As women began to impact politics more, opposition once again began to grow against their impact on government. “Over time, attitudes towards women’s indirect political influence became absorbed into the discourse of separate spheres.” (Zagarri 134)


Man 4: “ We are beginning to lose our power over women, and this is just not going to work.”


Man 5: “Yeah you are right. We need to find a way to assert our power over theirs again. I do not like this one bit either.”


Man 4: “Women must be removed from politics. I like to call it the separate spheres ideology.”


Man 5: “ So you mean women are completely cut off from making key decisions in our government?”


Man 4: “Yes, exactly. They have violated their appropriate feminine rolls and disrupted the peace and harmony that should prevail in the domestic realm.


Shifts back to Woman 1: “We tried our best, but the men’s dominance over women prevailed again. We are right back where we started, trying to influence politics through our households.

Video Project

Federalists: The government should have power over the people.

Democratic Republicans: No! They need to have a voice and be able to express their opinions and views

Federalists: We should mimic the British government, giving more power to those in charge.

Democratic Republicans: The people want to be able to have freedoms; they came over here to get away from Britain’s rule.

Federalists: Well if we go to war, who is going to protect them? We need a centralized government to go to war.

Women Enter Protesting

Wife: Give American’s our rights to argue our opinions!!

Federalist Husband: What are you all doing here? Everyone knows women cannot be politicians.

Man: You should be at home taking care of your family.

Wife: It’s not fair to us to be governed by a nation that has no regard for our opinions.

Federalist Husband: Go Home Now! We can talk about this at dinner.

Women Exits

Scene enters at dinner in home

Federalist Husband: What is for dinner?

Woman: Your favorite, Chicken stew with potatoes.

Federalist Husband: You know me so well.

Woman: You were very angry today at your meeting.

Federalist Husband: Yes, but only because those democratic republicans don’t know what they are talking about.

Woman: Don’t you think there is a better way discussing the matter, instead of just yelling at each other?

Federalist Husband: Yes, is that what you and your friends were trying to say when you came in today?

Woman: Yes, but none of you men will take us serious enough out in public.

Federalist Husband: You have a good point, but society does not accept women to express their views in politics.

Federalist Husband: You will have to find more creative ways of voicing your opinion. Instead disrupting one of our meetings, tell me what you think and Ill make sure to address it in our next meeting.

Woman: Oh thank you honey, you are so sweet, just remember that yelling back and forth at each other won’t accomplish anything. Instead be respectful even if your views are not the same.

Scene moves to next meeting

Federalist Husband: I have an announcement to make to everyone. There is a better way to go about deciding what is best for our nation. I know we disagree and our views don’t exactly match up but there is a more civilized way to do this.

Democratic Republicans: You know what, you’re right! After thinking over dinner last night with my family I believe we should go about this a different as too. Bickering won’t get us anywhere. Instead we need to listen to what each side has to say.

Meeting goes on

The end

Attention all American women, this is a message from the Federalist Party. Women, we need your help and support for the election of 1816. Why you say? You have never ben allowed to exercise your god given constitutional rights as human beings to be able to vote or participate in political events. You have been overlooked for too long and its time to take a stand and let your voice be heard. The decisions that men make also affect your well being so why not speak your own opinions. The Federalist Party needs your votes and support through out the election. Whether its getting involved in a campaign rally, creating banners, signs, or convincing your husbands or other women to vote for the Federalist Party. We need your support. If you are interested in getting involved, you are invited to attend any of our upcoming Federalist functions. Wearing golden eagles or black cockades on your dresses or hats is a great way to show support while representing the party. If we win this election the Federalist Party will do everything in its authority to give women the empowerment they rightfully deserve. Do not let the Democratic-Republican Party candidates fool you. They are focused on personal gain rather than gaining women’s rights. As soon as they are elected they will set aside the issue of women’s rights, they are only using this strategy receive more votes. Do not let the Democratic-Republican use you to advance their own cause. Also, do not let them portray you as masculine females or helpless victims. The Democratic-Republican Party is not sympathetic towards women’s involvement in politics. Now is your time to exercise your rights as humans and be a part of history by casting your vote for the Federalist Party in the United States presidential election of 1816.

HY 101

Election of 1816

Walter Lovejoy-Catherine Gore

James Monroe: Hello citizens of the United States of America, I am presidential candidate James Monroe of the Democratic-Republican party here to tell you why the influence of women is imperative in moving forward. We need a change in the oval office as our incumbent has not been a leader with moral integrity. Our party recognizes that the future consists of a new ideal in which women will “exert a significant influence over society and politics.” (Zagarri 125). The last thing our country needs right now is another war and by incorporating women in the political world we can help eradicate passions and prejudices and hold civility higher. Thus our campaign has organized a group of women to support their men in being more conscientious and hand out pro Monroe buttons to represent this cause. Now I will hand the floor over to one of these ladies who can tell you more about  how to become affiliated with our party and what we are trying to accomplish.

Scarlett O’Hara: Thank you for the introduction, Mr. Monroe. I think that it is important that women support and express our own opinions to friends and families. We may not be able to vote but we still have a strong influence over the amount of support we can give our party. We can all show support by “attending partisan meetings, gatherings, and events” (84). In order to become more relevant in politics we need to make more gestures like the “Mammoth Cheese” made by the women of Cheshire delivered to the white house in honor of Thomas Jefferson in 1802 (85). Acts like this will help women show allegiance to our party and become politically affiliated.

Monroe: Mrs. O’Hara, how have you helped your family become more politically aware?

Scarlett O’Hara: I have taught my children to have good morals and supported my husband but my political influence is more than the passive compliance with men’s wishes it is by making our own affirmative choice. I have made the affirmative choice to wear a liberty cap that I recommend to all women who wish to show that we too have an opinion that needs to be voiced.

Monroe: Thank you for sharing that and that is all we have for you all today. I am James Monroe and I approve this message. Good day.

James Monroe:
A Letter to the Upcoming President of the United States:

Survival is only possible due to evolution, and civilizations enable our species to thrive. In leading this young nation, we must understand that we can only first survive through evolution. These adaptations strengthen our civilization and enable us to live more comfortably than ever before. (Zagarri 47) You are the last leaders of your generation. Do you not want to be seen as an innovator? Do you not want to be seen as the leader that brought our country more stability and even comfort than before? The past is incredibly important, but only to avoid mistakes made by the men who raised our nation.
When our women began vocally displaying their social and political beliefs, if not mostly amongst themselves, did we not win a revolution? The women of our nation rose up and gave everything they had to the cause. They networked amongst each other, providing food, clothes, weapons, and first aid to our troops. Without our women alongside us, our nation would not have been born. Yet, we took their freedom from a land we deemed for the free. We stifled their victories and efforts with our refusal of their basic human rights. How are we just in saying the women who nursed you to health when you faced your deathbed is just the property of another man?
As the majority of our nation is Christian, how can we consider women to be full of the sin enacted by Eve in the Garden of Eden when Jesus absolved our sins? The bible does not state that Jesus absolved sin for only white, male, land owners, but for everyone. Does the non-bias of your God not dictate that you see yourself as an equal to your fellow human? (Zagarri 47)
During this great time of Enlightenment, it has been realized that our mothers, our wives, and our sisters share a mental capacity as great as our own. (Zagarri 48) Have we not inherited our own values and morals from the hand of our caregiving mother? Your identity was bestowed onto you by your mother’s own opinions and value system, and your father’s by his own mother. Do you not seek companionship in your wife as well? American Spectator recently argued to the American public that, “The rights of women and men are acknowledged…women are caressed as the first and dearest friends of their partners.” (Zagarri 48) Does this not make the two genders social equals? Should not women in turn have the same rights as her male counterpart?
As history has often repeated itself, staying set in the policies of another time can crumble the present. So I ask you, Mr. President, would the liberation of the majority of your country’s people not bring forth an evolution of your society? And without this evolution, can we as a nation, continue to contend with the worldly powers investing in the future?

Yours Truly,
An American Woman

Mary: Hello Elizabeth! Are you baking the cake for the reception tonight?

Elizabeth: Yes, I am, George is at the Republican parade right now!

Mary: That’s great! John is there too!

Elizabeth: I love how vocal they are about their views and how they support women and our ideas

Mary: I agree! However, I hate how sometimes women are used as propaganda for party advertisements in papers. One of the images I do like is the one of Miss Liberty. I like how a woman is being used to show the flexibility of the country and how deep our devotion to freedom runs, even though we can’t enjoy all the liberties that men have. (page 102-103)

Elizabeth: I know its so horrible that some men only want us to be peacemakers between the two parties. I hate being so passive about my political views, I am not an impartial patriot! I want to voice my ideas! (page 116)

Mary: Well, I agree but I think that politics are starting to divide our community and by being a mediator I can promote the Republican views subtly but keep my family and friends together as a community. (page 115)

Elizabeth: That’s very true. My son Henry and husband George have started to form different ideas but by sticking with George’s views, my son has become slightly more understanding of Republican ideas and George is trying to be more open about Federalists.

Mary: That must be really difficult. The two parties have very different ideas.

Elizabeth: Yes, George is very strong about having local governments control most of the power and he wants our country to become more dependent on agriculture. He probably thinks that because he grew up on a plantation in Alabama. On the other hand,Henry wants to have a strong central government and have good relations with Britain. I think that he feels like this because he stayed in Boston for a few months.

Mary: I agree more with George. Oh! It sounds like they're done with the parade. I better  go home and get ready for the reception. See you tonight!

*Play song 15-seconds*


James Monroe: Hello, my name is James Monroe and I am running on the Democratic-Republican Party ticket for the 1816 election.

I was a top student who studied law under the wonderful Thomas Jefferson; however one issue I see is the involvement in more than just men in elections.

“While [the husband] thinks he is pursuing an independent course, and assumes all the credit of his success, the suggestions or persuasions of his companion are influencing his opinions and controlling his conduct” (126).


Judith: Suzanne is that you? I haven’t seen you in ages. How’s the family?


Suzanne: Oh they’re just magnificent. You look so great, Judith! Where did you get your outfit?


Judith: Oh this is what everyone is wearing these days, don’t you know?


Suzanne: No I didn’t realize, it seems like I need to catch up on my Glamour magazines then.


*JM walks in*


James: Hello ladies, today I am here to teach you how you can contribute to this election.


Judith: Election for what?


Suzanne: Oh Judith, the presidential election of course!


James: That’s correct, I wanted to take a minute and tell you ladies how vital your role as women are in the presidential election this year


Suzanne: Oh, is that right?


James: Yes, ma’am. Women play an important role because they “instill moral values and inspire virtuous behavior in their husbands.” As a matter of fact, women have the “ability to influence their husbands and children,” and “inculcate respect, sobriety, and decency in the youth” (129).


Judith: How is it that in New Jersey women used to be allowed to vote and on that principle all others should be allowed to vote as well (negroes, minors, aliens)?


James: I could not agree with you more, Judith. I have great plans for the greater good in my presidency. I do believe that Intervention by external powers in the politics of America is a potentially hostile act against the United States. We need to correct the wrongs of our past leaders and stride forward as a greater America.


Suzanne: Why did I never follow politics before?


*Commerical voice*

James Monroe: Hero of the revolution. Supporting husband. Future president of the United States.

Vote James Monroe


James: “The important point remain[s]: the more that voting [i]s defined as a right of person, not of property, the more tenuous [a]re the grounds for not including women” (152).

My name is James Monroe and I approve this message


*song 15-seconds*

Narrator: "This was brought to you by the Republican Womanhood. God bless America."
John: "Abigail, why is Nathaniel pullin' Jane's hair in the back of the chapel?"
Abigail: "I don't know husband."
John: "It is your job to teach our children to be good Republicans, our sons need to learn to be good Republicans and our daughters need to learn how to rise good Republicans."

Abigail: "John, I have finished all my chores, can I go have tea with Jane?"
John: "Sure wife."
Abigail: "Now y'all have a good day at work and school now."
John: "Alright then."
Nathaniel: "Bye Mom!"

Abigail: "Hi Jane, it's so lovely of you to invite me over for tea. I don't know what to do about Nathaniel."
Jane: "As a member of the Republican motherhood, it's your responsibility to make sure your son is a good Republican."
Abigail: "That's good advice Jane, I think I'll go home and tell Nathaniel a story about our Founding Fathers."

John: "Nathaniel, did you pull Jane's hair today?"
Nathaniel: "No Papa, I promise that I didn't."

Abigail: "Nathaniel, you've been a good boy today. You run along and play."
John: "Abigail, thank you for all that you do for Nathaniel. I know he can be a handful, but you make it work."
Abigail: "No problem. I don't mind what I do for my son. I love my job. It's my duty as a member of the Republican Motherhood."

Mary: “I’m starting to worry about the presidential election coming up.”

Katherine: “I believe that this election of 1816 will be one for the books, ladies. Think about all of the possibilities, Elizabeth, if your husband can take down federalist candidate Rufus King.”

Elizabeth: “You’re right, Katherine. I have thoroughly enjoyed standing by James’ side as he has had the opportunity to be the democratic-republican candidate. The possibilities are endless for us. I’ve really liked having the opportunity to meet with you fine women to be able to discuss ways that can further our roles in politics.”

Mary: “You all know that I have been trying my hardest to influence my sons, father, and husband by leaving hints here and there. I do believe that being the first teachers of children, we could use our education to make sure that we our younger generation acquires patriotism and virtue throughout their years. (Zagarri 53)

Katherine: “As we all do, Mary. I’m all for your husband winning the election, Elizabeth, but it’s clear that neither the federalists, nor the democratic-republicans, want us to be involved in their political parties.”

Elizabeth: “I understand your concerns. However, since James is my husband, he will be more understanding of our wants.”

Mary: “Did you all see what Donald Fraser posted in his pamphlet “Party-Spirit Exposed” from 1799? Here, I’ll read it.

“[Women] have it in their power to inculcate ‘respect, sobriety, and decency in the youth, and pointedly to withhold their smiles and hold their smiles and civilities from all who transgress these in the smallest degrees. This is a method of proceeding that will most certainly be victorious.’ By rewarding certain behaviors and sanctioning others, women could turn society away from party strife and toward mutuality, harmony, and unity.” (Zagarri 129)

Elizabeth: “It feels great to see that we have made some progress in the world without having to show a little skin. Times are changing.”

Katherine: “Let’s get out there and convince everyone to vote James Monroe, our Democratic-Republican candidate!”