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Bollinger Monroe Video project 1816

Women don’t want you talking about politics at home (Zagarri 125), but in such an important election year she will be delighted to hear you are going to be voting Democratic-Republican. Vote for the women’s candidate. Vote James Monroe. Rufus King doesn't have you or your wife’s best interest at heart. The wife is the glue that holds the household together so vote for the candidate you and your wife want. That man is James Monroe. Ladies, Mr. Monroe would be honored if you would give him your support by telling your husbands to go out and vote James Monroe this November. Keep the party of Jefferson, keep the party that got us through the War of 1812, and keep the presidency with a Virginian. Men, don’t embarrass your wife by making her have to face her friends with the knowledge that you voted federalist. Democratic-Republican is the more appealing party to your wife. (Zagarri 87) Vote James Monroe and you will not regret it. Remember who keeps your house in order and who keeps you sane. Keep Monroe in mind at the polls, because that’s what your wife would want. Keep her happy and she’ll keep you happy. This message is approved by the offices of James Monroe.