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Dialogue for Video Project



Hi! I’m Annie. I love cooking and keeping house for my family. However, I believe that women should be able to participate in party politics. Many other women feel the same way. As of right now, our only rights are to take care of our husbands and teach our children. In addition to these rights we would like the right to a say in political issues. Women do not have any political freedom. James Monroe is running for the Democratic Republican Party and he will fight to give women the political rights they deserve. The other candidate, Rufus King, is for the federalist party. The Federalist Party says that us, women are not educated or fit to be participating in politics. As women, we do have an indirect effect on the 1816 election. You can participate by making food for events, wearing our party’s colors and symbols, and influencing your husbands. Our opinions are just as important as those of men. Women have the right to a say in political decisions that will effect them directly. Join me and many other women in the fight to get James Monroe elected. Hi. I’m James Monroe and I approve this message. I promise to give women the political rights they deserve. I humbly ask for your vote on November 4th.