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History 103 Video Project

Names of all group members: Amber Cook, Jeanne and Hunter


The Election of 1816


Rufus King: I am Rufus King of the Federalist Party and I am campaigning for the Election of 1816. I am in opposition to slavery and did not support the efforts for the War of 1812 (p.100). I would like to personally address the allegations of me owing money to the government and tell everyone that they are not true. It should also be known that I am a strong supporter of women rights, and foresee that both women and their support will be vital in the future of our nation.


Woman 1: The Republicans are causing political turmoil in our nation and trying to destroy our social order, which is portrayed by Madame Genlis. She is being praised because she claims to have instilled the proper revolutionary order in her children, family and friends. She believes that birth is accidental and that there is a large hereditary distinction and there are only certain things which a good man can deem certain, those are his knowledge and his virtue. She is an obvious threat to our existing social order and her actions continue to lead us to turmoil. We are in need of loyal federalist supports to help prevent such actions. (p.105)


Rufus King: In the Republican party, they celebrate women who promote the ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity like Madame Genlis displays. However, one must see this is likely to destroy our social order!! It is important we act now to prevent future generations from instilling such ideals to their children and their children’s children. (105)


Women 2: The Republican viewpoints in the journals and newspapers do not depict our ideas and true thoughts. They are lies that are constantly spreading throughout the streets. For example, Federalists make fun of our fashion in aim to score political party points and constantly mock our campaign strategy. And once quoted that, “Republicans were nothing more than frivolous women who changed governments as carelessly as women changed fashion” (108 ). However, I assure these allegations are false.


Rufus: In regard to my stance on opposition to war, I had the women’s best interest in mind. I was thinking of the helpless innocence of women and children, who would take care of them while the men are overseas? It is not my lack of patriotism, but my interest in making sure that the women are cared for and valued in our society. The Republicans clearly do not have the women in their best interests (109-110).

As you the people can see, there are clearly two very different standpoints on the subject: The Federalist and the Republican. However, if you are looking to help move America forward, support women and their rights and have a strong desire to continue building a well-structured powerful nation, then the choice should be clear. Steer clear of the Republicans and their destructive ideals, as they should be feared. One must keep in mind to be skeptical of the Republicans and their media claims as they falsely portray our Federalist heroines as villains. I hope you all can see the truth for what it is and do not allow the Republicans skew the nations beliefs on Federalism through their published journals and visual imagery. Do not waste your vote this election and make it count! Please vote for me, Federalist, Rufus King. Thank-you all for your time and support! I look forward to bettering our nation everyday.