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Travis Kerner Bailey Scott Election of 1816 – James Monroe’s view on Women’s Politics



Travis Kerner and Bailey Scott

Dr. Kopelson

History 103

Alfred Cook

Election of 1816 Script

Good evening. My name is James Monroe, and I am the Democratic-Republican candidate in the Election of 1816. Unlike my Federalist opponent, Rufus King, I strongly support and highly encourage gender equality. By this, I mean that women should receive full participation in party politics. Federalists, on the other hand, refused to believe that women are suitable for party politics. The Federalists believe that women have too much of an influence on decisions by their politician husbands. Also, according to the Federalists, women could negatively challenge men in power. Since men want to maintain social hierarchy, they didn’t agree that women should have any part of party politics. As a Democratic Republican candidate, I believe that this is pure selfishness. As a part of the Democratic-Republican Party, I have to disagree with this preposterous notion. I value the fact that everyone should be entitled their own opinion, especially when the opinion would affect that person’s life in many aspects. In fact, I believe that women are better positioned than men to instill the new liberal attitude toward party politics. At one point, their exclusion from political order was unfair and unjust. Now, women possess both the means and the opportunity to express their political concerns. It is said that women instill moral values and inspired virtuous behavior in their husbands, and that their actions will propel society from a state of rudeness to civility. Why would anyone not have the desire to encourage women participation in party politics? This is why you should vote for me, James Monroe, as your future President of the United States of America.

Works Cited

Zagarri, Rosemarie. Revolutionary Backlash: Women and Politics in the Early American                              Republic. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania, 2007. Print.