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Elect James Monroe 1816: A Message for Women – Nia Saye


Everest College Commercial Parody

James Monroe Campaign – Election of 1816


“So, ladies, you're sitting there in your rocking chair knitting, and your life is passing you by. You keep procrastinating over and over…

Well, maybe I’ll convince my husband to vote for James Monroe tomorrow or maybe next week… No, do it right now! You spend all day knitting anyhow… why don’t you have a talk with your husband that’s gonna help your future! All you gotta do is tell him that James Monroe, a Democratic-Republican, cares about the rights of women. Rufus King doesn’t care. The Federalist Party believes that women are not suited for politics and that your opinions don’t matter. (Rev. Backlash 82-86) James Monroe stands up for what he believes in, and that’s definitely not it! So why not persuade your husbands to vote for a fearless candidate? Why are you making it complicated? Help get James Monroe elected as your president in 1816. It’s easy!”