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Arlington Antebellum Home and Gardens (Birmingham, AL)

Chase Newton

Arlington Antebellum Home and Gardens


One incredible historic site, which is now a museum, is the Arlington Antebellum Home and Gardens, located in Birmingham. The house was built in 1822 by Stephen Hall, as a simple four-room home. It was, however, a plantation house as well. Then, in 1842, legislator William Mudd bought the house, as well as the sixteen surrounding acres. He then built the massive mansion, known as The Grove, that we see today. He then lived there with his wife and many children. Because of its size and location, the house was used during the Civil War. Union General James H. Wilson established his headquarters at The Grove. From here he planned on moving to Selma in order to attack Confederate factories. Because Wilson decided to use the house during his raids, it remained unharmed throughout the entire Civil War, and is probably the reason why it is still standing today. Now, it serves as a museum and is fully furnished as if were back in the nineteenth century. It truly is a remarkable site. Throughout its eight bedrooms, many different paintings hand from the walls that date back to the 1800s. All of the furniture is neatly placed and looks pristine. There is also a second story in the house, containing four bedrooms, each of which has a fireplace. In the kitchen, many different cooking instruments of the time were set out for display. The house is definitely something to behold, as it is a standing piece of Civil War history that tells quite a story.