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Dolly Madison: I'm so glad we got together to have a tea party.

Marjorie: Me too! You have a beautiful home.

Annabelle: How are you doing with the election?

Dolly: Well, I'm dealing with it. He's acting like I'm not well educated on the election.

Marjorie: What do you mean?

Dolly: He doesn't think it's the woman's place to advise the man on political issues.

Annabelle: Does he even listen to you?

Dolly: Everything I say goes in one ear and out the other.

Marjorie:Well he's your husbands so he should take what you say into consideration.

Annabelle: If women are allowed to read and write they should have an opinion in politics.

Dolly: I agree, I do consider myself as a female politician.

Marjorie: Except you are not voted in.

Annabelle: Well, I just hope the election goes well.

Dolly: Me too

Marjorie: Thank you so much for having us over for tea

Annabelle: Yes, thank you, we should do it more often.

Dolly: I agree, we will get together soon.