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Int. Interrogation Room - Night


Well, well, well, You seem to have gotten yourself in a bit of a bind.

*Muffled grunting sounds*


You've done enough talking James. You and all of the Democratic-Republicans. When I heard the Secretary of Virginia was running, I knew I had to "arrange" a meeting.


You think just because your party has some momentum over the south, you think you can just walk in to this race. FEDERALISTS RUN THIS RACE. You think that I would be able to hold this meeting with out the power of the central government. Your Farmers and plantation owners don't have the power of our businessmen and bankers. The women even support our cause.


Lets move this bag so you can see the seriousness in my face. You know who is NOT going to run.. You James. You run in this race and I will make sure you don't walk again. All you have to do is sign those papers. So what do you say.


This is more than me Rufus this is for the entire nation. The support of women can't stop the spread of the Republic. You must take the power of the Constitution seriously.


With the women on our side, they raise their children with the same values, teach men to run the nation, and women to support the nation. Sign the resignation papers.


I can't..


You think this is a joke?? You really want to crawl out of this room??


No!! I can't because you've tied both of my hands.


uhhh.. there.... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?


I..I. don't have a pen..




Supporting the Federalists is basically signing away your freedom. Do you want Big Brother taking you hostage, forcing laws on you and your family? Make sure to vote for James Monroe November First 1816!