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“Are you tired of women not having a say?”

“Are you fed up with men running the world?”

“Did you know that women do not have many of the same rights that men do?”

“For example, women do not have the right to vote across the country and cannot hold elected office.”

“Additionally, women do not have the same economic and educational opportunities as their male counterparts.”

“The Democratic Republicans maintain that a woman’s place is in the home and that we should be at men’s beck and call.”

“These are the same people that initiated the War of 1812, a war that could have been avoided with the pragmatic approach of women.”

“In fact, women displayed their patriotism during the war by banding together to sew clothing and flags for the service members to carry into battle.”

“The Federalists Party believes in the natural rights. That is the rights that all humans are born with. This shift in thinking will give women a larger role in politics.”

“With Federalists in power, women will be allowed to bring their unique perspectives into the political realm, allowing this wonderful country to move forward.

“In this upcoming election, support the Federalists Party and watch this country progress and move away from the shadow of Great Britain.”

Guy- “Message brought to you by the Woman for Federalists and approved by Rufus King and the Federalists Party.”