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Narrator - Long before he was a delegate to the Congress of the Confederation, long before he made vast improvements as a United States Senator and as the Secretary of War, and yes, long before James Monroe helped shape the Democratic-Republican party, he wasn't afraid to fight for what he believed in.

James Monroe - In 1775, I put my education at William and Mary on hold to join the third Virginia Regiment in the Continental Army. Within a short amount of time, I became an officer. I fought among some of the greatest war heroes of this great nation. I nearly gave my life for this land in battle, but by God's providence I survived, just like our nation. Who do you want serving you? A man that sacrificed everything to get us to where we are today or a career politician? Rufus King doesn't care about your rights. He doesn't care about women's education.

Narrator - Women, Rufus King and the rest of his Federalist cohorts believe that you have no place in politics. He wants to suppress the views of some of our nation's brightest minds just because of their gender. Do you want that? James Monroe certainly doesn't (Zagarri 83).

Monroe - I have two girls. As a responsible and caring father, I believe they deserve an education just as my son. Women shouldn't be excluded from the political realm just because of their gender. Our great nation needs thought leaders and limiting our selection pool to just men, as I see it, is simply negligent. I will fight for your rights. This is my America, this is your America.

Narrator - Who do you want serving you? -- Someone willing to fight for this country and your place in politics or a man that says you have no place? Vote America, vote Monroe.

Monroe - I'm James Monroe, and I approve this message.

Narrator - Paid for by the Office to elect James Monroe as President, 1816.