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Election of 1816 Video Project: The Federalist Party Wants You To Vote!

A Message from Rufuss King and the Federalist Party: Women of America, we are talking to you. We want you to have a say in what goes on in this country. You have yet to receive or use your God given rights of having a say in party politics and voting process in America and we want to change that. So we are here to tell you a vote for the Federalist Party in the 1816 election will help get you one step closer to having a say in politics. We encourage you to convince the men in your life whether that be your husband, friends, husband’s friends, brothers etc., with your beauty and charm more then logic because your charms will weaken the men and help them listen to you (Zagarri 129). Just think for a second a vote for the Democratic- Republic Party is a vote for a party who views women as masculine females and as the victim in most cases. This is not how women should be viewed at all. Women should be seen as peacekeepers and noble citizens who are just as equal to men. The Democratic Republics feel as though they are falling behind in the sense of getting women influence in votes and that’s why they are coming out in full get you to join them. We as Federalist believe that men and women should be making decisions together and equally in his great country. If you choose to help us we need you to make signs, create banners, and help and come out and support at political rallies. Women we need you and want your voice to be heard. With your help I can go from the outside to the inside and run this country the way it should be run. I am Rufus King the Federalist candidate for President and I approve this message!