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Debate for the election of 1816 Cameron Owen, Walker Purvis, and William Strand




William Strand

Walker Purvis

Cameron Owen


Kopelson HY 103-003


Script for video project


Opening sequence


Master Debater-

Mr. Monroe, you are the candidate for the Democratic-

Republican party. What is your stance on women in politics?



Women had not an equal right with men to be politicians. When I see a

female deeply interested in politics, I tremble for her tranquility. AS the sensibility of women is livelier, and their enthusiasm more ardent than that of men, they are less qualified to decide on the affairs of government. Politics, might erode women’s traditional feminine virtues and political discussion agitates women’s passions, roughens their manners, and discomposes the garb of female modesty, which should be considered the fairest ornament and brightest charm of a woman. (quoted from Zaggari pg. 128 lines 5-14)


Master Debater-

Interesting. Having said that, what is your opinion on this woman

in politics?

Mercy Otis Warren whose judicious view of what it means to be a politician observed and argued, “I disregard the opinion that women make but indifferent politicians… When the observations are just and honorary to the heart and character, I think it very immaterial whether they flow from female lips in the soft whisper of private friendship or thundered in the senate in the bolder language of sex.” (zagarri bottom of page 126)

In other words Mr. Monroe. In Warrens view a female politician says in politics, which is a battle of minds, that the mind has no sex. (paraphrased from top line of 127



Stutters…I have no comment at this time

End dialogue


Ending sequence


The End-credits


Material from Rosemarie Zaggari’s Revolutionary Backlash Ibooks electronic ed.